We accept both hazardous and non-hazardous fluid junk. Some of them are:
Landfill Leachate
Leachate from landfills is produced when rainwater percolates through
the garbage that has accumulated there. It is a rubbish stream that
we frequently absorb; its composition varies, but it frequently includes
ammonia and traces of heavy metals.
Animal and dairy remains
Animal remains or bad dairy products can readily be processed at many
of our treatment centres in the fluid effluent and sludges produced
during the cleaning and washing down of farm equipment and infrastructure.
Domestic waste
Domestic junk, which includes the junk from cesspools, chemical toilets,
and septic tankers, is produced by a range of different activities and
is handled at our sites.
Industrial garbage
Industrial activity generates hazardous and chemical pollutants,
frequently in the form of paints, solvents, biofertilisers, and
process garbages.
Hygiene trash
Drain water produced by commercial cleaning agents may contain foams,
cosmetics, and cleaning agents. Although they can be controlled,
they are also very difficult to treat.